Error Messages

From Hackers & Designers

Template:Events On how technology admits it failed.

Firefox Error Message

In smaller groups the Summer Academy participants designed error messages in a conceptual way. What is the psychology of an error message? How does the interface falls in love with us?

Resulting error messages

Selby, Anja, James

'Awkward' Error

Error card to James’ grandmother Facebook awkward situation. ‘Hot dish’ Postcard notification “Oops - You are receiving this card because of an issue that occurred on Facebook :(“

Flaminia, Vincent, Vicky

'Artificial intelligence' Error

Designing an error message for an Artificial Intelligence Error messages are only temporary events for an AI. It just takes some time to heal.

Maaike, Mark-Jan, Eurico

ErrorLeaks manifest

Basil, Lucian, Michaela

'Sad Face' Error

Scott, Jona, Jurriaan

Storyboard ‘soap series’ from error messages. Future: speculative error messages: Error messages become more and more infantile and have a certain character to it. Brainstorm: Personalities: Mood, gender, insult, apologizing, positive, negative, polite

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