Zulip Operator Commands

From Hackers & Designers
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Restart Zulip

In the necessity of restarting Zulip:

  • ssh to server as zulip
  • Then run: /home/zulip/deployments/current/scripts/restart-server
  • You can login as another user to the VPS, and impersonate the zulip user by doing:
    • su zulip -c /home/zulip/deployments/current/scripts/restart-server
    • This command will first prompt you for the zulip user password.

Use Manage CLI

Zulip has extensive user-facing APIs, as well as a CLI called Management commands to run common actions when working with the Zulip system.


  • ssh with the zulip account to the server
  • cd into deployments/current (full path it's usually /home/zulip/deployments/current)
  • run ./manage.py to print a list of all available commands

As part of each command invocation, a "realm" ID shoud be set: eg, a number associated with the Zulip instance we want to work with.

To list all realms


./manage.py list_realms

Then take note of the number (realm ID) associated with the URL at which the Zulip instance runs on.

To create a new user


./manage.py create_user '<email> '<user name>' -r <realm ID> --this-user-has-accepted-the-tos --password='<password>'

After this an email should be sent to the set email, and the user already created in the Zulip system. This might be useful when having problems with creating a new user invitation purely via email using the Zulip GUI commands (sometimes confirmation emails — after the user signed up to Zulip via the shared URL invitation — don't arrive to the user's desired email).