Translations:Open Call for Collaboration: Connecting Otherwise/8/en

From Hackers & Designers

Theme: Connecting Otherwise

Living in a global pandemic for the last two years made visible how our internet use impacts our cohabitiation with each other – and other species – on a social, material and psychological level. Creative practitioners in the cultural field had to reinvent their work patterns and ways of sharing, collaborating and researching. In doing so, it highlighted our need for alternative, affective, and sustainable ways of coexisting and connecting online. Moreover, our intensified reliance on the internet – extensive streaming, online shopping, conference calling – calls for attention to the tremendous environmental impacts on how we work and live together. Many countries have witnessed a 20% increase in internet use since March 2020. While global emissions decreased, arguably due to limited travel movements, our increasingly hyper-networked virtual lifestyles should not be overlooked: