Open Call for Participation! HDSA2022 Connecting Otherwise/nl: Difference between revisions

From Hackers & Designers
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===Ontmoet de nodes===
===Ontmoet de nodes===

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====Amsterdam: Hackers & Ontwerpers + Hackitects Collective====
====Amsterdam: Hackers & Designers + Hackitects Collective====
Hackers & Designers is een non-profit workshopinitiatief dat activiteiten organiseert op het snijvlak van technologie, design, kunst en onderwijs. Door het creëren van gedeelde momenten van hands-on leren stimuleert H&D samenwerking tussen verschillende disciplines en technologische geletterdheid. H&D organiseert activiteiten vanuit het idee van een afgevlakte hiërarchie. Docenten worden deelnemers, deelnemers worden workshopleiders - iedereen wordt meegenomen in een collectieve onderneming van gedeelde responsmogelijkheden - met inbreng van eigen expertise, urgenties en ervaringen. Meer over H&D:
Hackers & Designers is a non-profit workshop initiative organizing activities at the intersection of technology, design, art and education. By creating shared moments of hands-on learning H&D stimulates collaboration across disciplines and technological literacy. H&D organizes activities from the idea of a flattened hierarchy. 'Teachers' become participants, participants become workshop leaders – everyone is taken on a collective venture of shared response-ability – bringing in own expertise, urgencies and experiences. More about H&D:

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Revision as of 17:57, 20 December 2023

Other languages:
Open Call for Participation! HDSA2022 Connecting Otherwise/nl
Name Open Call for Participation! HDSA2022 Connecting Otherwise
Location Amsterdam, Berlin, Seoul, Aotearoa
Date 2022/06/02
Time [[]]
PeopleOrganisations Hackers & Designers, MELT, NEWS, DDDUG
Type HDSA2022
Web Yes
Print No

>>> Uiterste inschrijfdatum voor deelname: 2 juni 2022 <<<


Open oproep voor deelname! HDSA2022 Connecting Otherwise

Doe mee aan de gedistribueerde H&D Summer Academy - die plaatsvindt van 16 tot 23 juli 2022 op 4 verschillende onderling verbonden locaties: Amsterdam, Nederland / Aotearoa (voorheen bekend als Nieuw-Zeeland) / Berlijn, Duitsland (+ online) / Seoul, Zuid-Korea

Als deelnemer aan de HDSA2022 kun je je aansluiten bij een van de locaties (nodes). Alle nodes zullen - op hun eigen manier - hetzelfde workshopprogramma faciliteren. Er zullen momenten zijn waarop alle nodes met elkaar in verbinding staan en er zullen momenten zijn waarop we workshops asynchroon volgen. Deze editie is een experiment in gedecentraliseerde organisatie en streeft ernaar om de verschillende nodes met elkaar te verbinden en tegelijkertijd af te stemmen op en gebruik te maken van de verschillende lokale contexten.

Thema: Connecting Otherwise

Door de afgelopen twee jaar in een wereldwijde pandemie te leven, werd duidelijk hoe ons internetgebruik ons samenleven met elkaar - andere mensen, andere soorten - op sociale, materiële en psychologische manieren beïnvloedt. De zich ontwikkelende monocultuur van het handjevol bedrijven dat onze online connectiviteit bemiddelt, en hun alomtegenwoordigheid en extractivistische aard hebben een toestand gecreëerd waarin het moeilijk is om alternatieve, affectieve en duurzame manieren voor te stellen om online samen te leven en met elkaar in contact te komen.

Binnen het thema 'Connecting Otherwise' zullen we de raakvlakken van toegankelijkheid en duurzaamheid van hybride cultureel werk en het techno-sociale leven onderzoeken - de culturele, economische, ecologische en geografische implicaties van onze steeds complexere verstrengeling met technologie.

De zomeracademie van dit jaar wordt gefaciliteerd en gezamenlijk opgebouwd met collectieven die in hun respectievelijke lokale omgevingen werken op het snijvlak van kunst, design en technologie, milieu, queer, trans* en disability justice, free/libre/open source softwareontwikkeling en radicale pedagogieën. Samen nodigen we deelnemers uit om samen met ons andere bewuste, creatieve en responsieve manieren van online werken, creëren en samenleven te bevragen, te herdenken en in de praktijk te brengen.

Hoe werkt de gedistribueerde HDSA?

Door het programma in een gedistribueerde vorm te organiseren, worden leden van verschillende gemeenschappen uitgenodigd om zich met elkaars collectieve praktijken bezig te houden door samen dingen te maken en samen workshops en experimenten te organiseren.

  • Het 1 week lange workshopprogramma (HDSA) vindt plaats op verschillende locaties (nodes): Amsterdam, Aotearoa, Berlijn/Online en Seoul.
  • Elk knooppunt heeft capaciteit om een groep van 10-15 deelnemers te faciliteren.
  • Elk knooppunt zorgt voor een veilige leeromgeving die rekening houdt met de huidige COVID-beperkingen in hun respectievelijke locaties.
  • Tijdens de HDSA zijn er momenten waarop je samenwerkt met je node en andere momenten waarop alle nodes verbinden, uitwisselen en synchroniseren.
  • Het HDSA workshop programma bestaat uit 4 'workshop scripts' - workshops voorbereid door de verschillende HDSA nodes. Je kunt alle workshops op de verschillende locaties zowel synchroon als asynchroon volgen.
  • Alle workshops houden rekening met verschillende kennisniveaus, achtergronden en toegangsbehoeften. Extra ondersteuning wordt geboden door de respectievelijke knooppunten.
  • Al het workshopmateriaal wordt in het Engels aangeboden, maar activiteiten op locatie kunnen in de lokale taal worden gegeven die het beste bij de groep past.

Ontmoet de nodes

Amsterdam: Hackers & Ontwerpers + Hackitects Collective

Hackers & Designers is een non-profit workshopinitiatief dat activiteiten organiseert op het snijvlak van technologie, design, kunst en onderwijs. Door het creëren van gedeelde momenten van hands-on leren stimuleert H&D samenwerking tussen verschillende disciplines en technologische geletterdheid. H&D organiseert activiteiten vanuit het idee van een afgevlakte hiërarchie. Docenten worden deelnemers, deelnemers worden workshopleiders - iedereen wordt meegenomen in een collectieve onderneming van gedeelde responsmogelijkheden - met inbreng van eigen expertise, urgenties en ervaringen. Meer over H&D:

Hackitects Collective (Michel Barchini, Mary Farwy) is a species of interdisciplinary designers with an architectural background. Their work takes place at the interface between spatial design, biohacking, and technology. They are driven by dismantling the normative approaches to architecture by highlighting the interconnected relations between environment, human, and non-human bodies. Emanating from technological, political and cultural landscapes, they propose alternative working models that imagine rewarding and positive scenarios of uncertain futures.

Node-specific information:

  • We will be hosting the H&D Summer Academy in person in different locations across Amsterdam, with one main base for the workshop days.
  • We expect committed participation and attendence during the week from 10-17.00 CEST.
  • There will be also a public program that takes place in the evenings on 3 days during the week.
  • Participation is free of charge and donations are welcome.
  • Additional material costs, daily lunches are self-organized by participants.
  • The spaces that will host us will be wheelchair accessible. Please let us know in the form if you have any access needs that we should take into consideration.

Aotearoa: Place for Local Making + Negative Emissions and Waste Studies Programme (NEWS)

A Place for Local Making is a shared space for inspiring imaginative and caring ways of making and living together in our multispecies entanglement. Through making and thinking with materials at hand, and tuning into the more-than-human companions around us, we wish to grow new stories and ideas about how we could better relate with our material and ecological surroundings. Small, slow and simple is beautiful. We host, co-produce, support and welcome ideas from others.

The Negative Emissions and Waste Studies (NEWS) Programme is a free self-learning environment that runs on streets, parks, private homes, community centres, public art galleries, department stores, public schools, in the sea, and anywhere else. It uses only things that have been thrown away or can be found for free. We then play and experiment with them to make fun, pleasurable and (sometimes) useful objects, services, activities, etc., in domains including but not limited to electronics, sewing, ceramics, sound/music, micromobility, gaming, landscaping, food/drink, poetry, and love.

Node specific information:

  • We will be hosting the H&D Summer Academy in person in Aotearoa (formerly known as New Zealand) in a variety of locations in around the city of Tāmaki Makaurau (formerly known as Auckland)
  • We are available over the period of the Summer Academy (16-23 July 2022) and will organise specific times to suit us and the participants who sign up.
  • Some activity will be in-person (at homes, community centres, and on the street), some online, and some asynchronous.
  • Participation is free but any additional material costs need to be covered by participants.
  • Daily lunches are self-organized by participants but we welcome food sharing.
  • We mainly use English for local events but speak a variety of, and WELCOME, any other languages.
  • Please let us know in the form if you have any access needs that we should take into consideration.

Seoul: Dot Dot Dot User Group

'Dot Dot Dot' can mean a variety of things: dot to dots, constellations, forest, the fediverse, electronic circuits, soundscapes and ellipsis. An ellipsis is a 'blank' that someone has to fill in, a 'silence' that is a time when people stay calm and listen, and an 'indescribable' meaning that it cannot be described in words. We believe that (non-verbal/non-human/the fediverse/queer) possibilities will be discovered through efforts to drift apart from the centrality of (verbal/human/the Internet/gender binary). The 'Dot Dot Dot User Group' is a group that plans, shares, and carries out personal/community-wise efforts that gradually relocate the foundation of our lives and existence onto decentralized/self-sustaining connections.

Node specific information:

  • We will be hosting the H&D Summer Academy in person in Seoul.
  • We expect committed participation and attendence during the week from 11.00 - 18.00 KST, which is including 1 hour lunchbreak. (Daily lunches are to be self-organized by the participants.)
  • We communicate in Korean for local events. Events linking to other nodes synchronously may not be possible in Korean. For conversations with other nodes, participants can choose Korean and/or English and we recommend the use of automatic translator apps. Simultaneous interpretation is not available.
  • Workshop scripts will be pre-translated in Korean.
  • If there are extra workshop materials given in advance, we might be able to translate them in Korean.
  • The space is on the second floor in the building without an elevator, and it is difficult for wheelchair users to access.
  • Live transcription of Korean speeches is possible. Please let us know if you need it.
  • The fee for in person participation (for the week) is 30000 KRW. However, the participants can also name the price according to their will. Free participation is also valid. Donations are welcome.

Berlin (and online): MELT

MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Isabel Paehr) study and experiment with shape-shifting processes as they meet technologies, sensory media and pedagogies in a warming world. Meltionary (derived from "dictionary"), is a growing collection of arts-design-research engagements that cooks up questions around material transformations alongside impulses from trans* feminism and Disability Justice. Melting as a kaleidoscope like phenomena touches upon multiple topics at once: climate change, the potential for political reformulations, change over time and material transformation. Our node is hosted at Commo: Commo is a space is run by queer, trans* and autistic people and can comfortably host a group of up to 15 people. We joyfully invite trans* and disabled people to participate – in-person and online participation are possible.

Our nodes’ motivation is to research, share and activate otherwise modes of connecting built on knowledges already present. Crip knowledges of how to stay connected while centering care became needed by non disabled audiences in 2020. While some forms of access were granted as nondisableds needed them (such as working from home), others remain unimaginable. Within these contradictions, what then are anti-assimilationist, accessible and trans* approaches to connecting otherwise? How can we move towards a point where we can choose our technological dependencies (because non extractive accessible tools exist) - intervene into existing systems - and build otherwise technologies of intersectional disability access? Our ethos of facilitating this Summer Academy begins from centering collective accessibility -- we work with collective conditions that help to establish ways of being together that center care in our node. Breaks, questions, non technical expertise and dancing will be celebrated.

More on our work:

More on the physical space our node is hosted in:

Node specific information:

  • We will be hosting the H&D Summer Academy in person and online in Berlin, with potential occasional excursions into the city.
  • We meet from Saturday and Wednesday (16.07.22 - 20.07.22) from 10:00 - 16.30CET (including a 1 hour lunchbreak).
  • The fee for in person participation (for the week) is 75€ which includes a daily catered lunch (salads, soups, sandwiches), materials and supplies.
  • The fee for online participation (for the week) is 20€ which allows us to ship you a package of materials and supplies ahead of time.
  • No participant will be rejected due to lack of funds, please let us know and we will fund your participation.
  • Accessibility: Our space is wheelchair accessible via a mobile ramp, we are securing an accessibile toilet (next door) presently. Our video conferencing system has automatic captions. Occasional translations into German or into ASL (American Sign Language) are possible. Please come scent-free or low-scent, and rapid-tested for covid. For more accessibility info on our space please read:
  • Please let us know in the form if you have any access needs, we will joyfully work to care for them.
  • Due to limited spaces in our node we will privilege trans* and disabled people joining our node, in the form please write "Privilege Me" if that's you and we will prioritize your application.

How to participate?

There is a limited amount of spaces for participation available per node. If we get more submissions than spaces available we might need to make a selection. Please submit your form by June 2 latest. You will receive a confirmation of reception on June 3. And the final outcome on June 10. Write an email to if you need some extra time.

OpencallHDSA2022.jpg Graphic Design: Manon Bachelier