H&d files sync alternative to dropbox and googledrive

From Hackers & Designers
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Some values to keep in mind when looking for an alternative to dropbox, google drive, web-collaboration tools etc:

  • data needs to be self-hosted or shared in a p2p network (using h&d server as yet one more peer for backup and relay purposes)
  • access to it needs to be through a web interface and better if there are ad-hoc applications for different platforms (but web interface access has to be one of the options — good for external, one-off collaborators who don’t have to install extra software; and good for accessing it through any computer connected to the internet)
  • no data lock-in: data input / output should be possible, easy, and painless


  • use h&d server to host it
  • apps for different platform to access to data
  • offers a variety of apps to use with nextcloud, eg:
  • talk — video & audio conferencing (using WebRTC)
  • ownpad — a way to access and make etherpads (useful since there’s no integrated function in etherpad to list all existing etherpads created, though fairly easy to add)
  • install and setup guide


I like the idea of using dat or ipfs to share files, and using h&d server as one peer in the network (as a backup / relay solution).

Currently the devs working on dat are implementing the option for multiple users to collaborate on the same dat archive (eg. a folder that a user shared through dat). So for now the only way to collaborate seems to be the git way: download a dat folder, make changes, and share it back to the rest of the group (with a new link — note: try this).

Worth keeping it in mind as this feature could be released soon (hopefully by the end of 2018?).