Dig it

From Hackers & Designers
Dig it
Name dig it
Owner Anja Groten
Hours 30
Budget Stimuleringsfonds
Categories 100% Development Program
Period March - September 2021

Contribution Dit It, project at GfZK Leipzig

(GfZK funded 3 people, we ask the H&D coop to co-fund the fee of one person from development budget, as the workshop centered around Chattypub)

  • Workshop preparation & hosting
  • Several meetings
  • Communication / coordination
  • Advice / feedback to organization
  • Presentation


Fee: 50,00 / hour

   3 persons x 10 hours concept/organisational fee =1500,00 Euro
   3 persons x 20 hours workshop/encounter fee = 3000 Euro

   Please dump tickets here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Vu-qi3UQf-PvFsHA3_k6B4AYrY0F9h72?usp=sharing 
   Leipzig-> Amsterdam (Karl, Heerko, Anja) - (ticket paid by Anja): 546,90 
   Amsterdam - Leipzig (Anja): 133.90
   Amsterdam - Leipzig (Heerko): 93,90
   Berlin - Leipzig (Karl, André): 47,95 
   Leipzig - Berlin (André): 33,90

Funded by H&D COOP budget: 1500,00

   1 persons x 10 hours concept/organisational fee: 500,00 
   1 persons x 20 hours workshop/encounter fee: 1000,00