Budget HDSA2020

From Hackers & Designers
Budget HDSA2020
Name Budget HDSA2020
Owner Anja Groten
Hours [[]]
Budget Stimuleringsfonds and AFK
Categories 25% development
Period July 2020

Adjusted budget for the H&D Summer Academy 2020

based on "Bijgestelde prognose" https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-nPRn04hRcRiGwKKRgn4oFaX29IBAbLf/edit#gid=199646763

>> PM = Pro Memori = Donated hours (Loes + Anja)


Research (deels eigen bijdrage)

  • Brainstorm meeting: 100,00/person (add your names: Loes PM, Anja PM, Juliette)
  • Preparation kick-off: Loes 4 hrs PM, Margarita 4 hrs

Production (deels eigen bijdrage)

  • Prep calls with workshop hosts: 40 per call (add your names: Loes 4x PM, Anja 4x PM, Juliette x14, Margarita 2x)
  • Selection workshops: 100,00/person (add your names: Loes PM, Anja PM, Juliette, Margarita)
  • Selection participants: 100,00/person (add your names: Loes PM, Anja PM, Juliette, Margarita)

Space usage

  • 1500,00

Production (deels eigen bijdrage)

  • Creating the live stream – Andrés hours:

Communicatie / publiciteit - deels eigen bijdrage

  • Juliette's hours (coming from communication budget? or add extra hours?): let's count them in the general communication budget.


  • Karl:
Research and development of documentation system: 5 hrs * € 40 / hr = € 200
Workshop preparation and facilitation: € 300
Building and documenting the Hyperdrive Portal: 24 hrs * € 40 / hr = € 960
Communication, coordination, archiving and wiki: 5 hrs * € 40 / hr = € 200

→ € 200 + € 300 + € 960 + € 200 = € 1660,-

Technical support

  • Heerko's hours for hosting the live stream

2h preparation 1h hosting

Total 3h = €90

Workshop tutors

Fondsenwerving + administratie

  • Hours for Margarita writing AFK application: 17 HOURS X €40 = 680

Volunteers & hosting

fee 100,00/day/person

  • Fees for Selby, Heerko, Karl, Margarita, Juliette: 5 x 600,00 = 3000,00
  • Donated hours (volunteers without payment): Anja PM, Loes PM: 0,00

Material costs

  • MUX LIVE STREAM: 14,98

Total 565,00

 40,00  HDSA Material cost MARIO ROMERA GOMEZ 
100,00  HDSA Material cost RADIO TRANSMISSION 
100,00  HDSA Material costs Hsin Yu Lin (Xin XIn) 
100,00  HDSA Material costs Oracle Bots A.K. Kappner Annika
100,00  HDSA Material costs Persico Oriana
100,00  HDSA Material costs Writing the feminist internet Marcia Nancy Mauro-Flude
 25,00  HDSA Material costs TOM MILNES


  • Anja: 32,40 (AH) + 34,74 (Ecoplaza) + 82,50 (Pizza @Ijver during selection process) Total = 149,64
  • Juliette: 35,94 (odin lunch 22.07) + 94,55 (roti noord 21.07) = 130,49
  • Heerko: 27,61 (Plus)
  • Selby:
  • Margarita: 38,30
  • Karl: forgot to take a receipt :(


  • Loes: 98,91


  • Visuals for Social media announcements, Anja & Juliette: 2 x 320 = 640,00

  • Art & Education newsletter: 800,00 + 18,00 bankcosts

Fees for workshop hosts

Total: 3.750

250,00 	HDSA Workshop fee Hole mending Tabea Nixdorff
500,00 	HDSA Workshop Fee Hsin Yu Lin (Xin XIn) 
250,00 	HDSA Workshop fee MARIO ROMERA GOMEZ 
250,00 	HDSA Workshop fee Oracle Bots A.K. Kappner Annika
250,00 	HDSA Workshop fee Oracle Bots The Digital Witchcraft Institute
500,00 	HDSA Workshop fee Persico Oriana
500,00 	HDSA Workshop fee RADIO TRANSMISSION 
250,00 	HDSA Workshop fee Temporary Autonomous Zone CCL Design Research
250,00 	HDSA Workshop fee Temporary riparian zone DIA office
250,00 	HDSA Workshop fee TOM MILNES 
500,00 	HDSA Workshop fee Writing the feminist internet Marcia Nancy Mauro-Flude

Not used

according to: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-nPRn04hRcRiGwKKRgn4oFaX29IBAbLf/edit#gid=199646763

  • printing - 1000 flyers / 500 posters
  • distribution - Flyerman
  • promotion bags
  • postal service - Mailing packages of flyers posters
  • materials - Hardware, paper, office supplies
  • renting equipment



Total 347,24

46,95 	Andrea Valliere 
38,29 	Anniek Tijmes 
50,00 	Eric Parren 
23,80 	Federico Poni 
34,56 	Jonas Otto 
23,30 	Lee Tusman 
40,00 	Nadia Piet 
21,37 	Nitcha Tothong USD 25,00 
18,97 	Pakwan Suppaiboonsuk 

(Paypal fees have been subtracted)