Breaking News

From Hackers & Designers
Breaking News
Name Breaking News 

Location Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Date 2018/10/02
Time 19:30-22:30
PeopleOrganisations NRC, Drawing the Times, De Correspondent, University of Amsterdam, Hackers & Designers, KesselsKramer
Type Symposium
Web Yes
Print No

Image by Giada Fiorindi

What value can the use of design and art have in the journalism of tomorrow?

Journalism is currently undergoing a huge transition. Media organizations are under pressure and are aware of the need to distinguish themselves in order to attract an audience. At the same time, a new generation of creatives takes flight in the development of experimental media forms. What role can creatives play in rapidly changing journalism? What value can the use of design and art have in the journalism of tomorrow?

During Breaking News, we search for this value: we invite designers, journalists, artists, illustrators, image makers, tech innovators, developers and researchers for a record attempt in storytelling. Together we celebrate the richness of our profession and will search for innovative forms of journalism. We combine artistic and journalistic forces to seek and shift the boundaries of storytelling.

The workshop program takes place at Pakhuis de Zwijger, where we work together on a collective front page. Each participant has literally one square meter available to tell his or her story. This can be done with image, text, podcast, video, collage, data, 3D, performance, digital media, art, audio. Participants are personally guided by the following artistic and journalistic experts:

  • Anne-Marije Vendeville (Art Director at NRC Handelsblad & NRCNext)
  • Mark Deuze (Professor of Mediastudies | University of Amsterdam)
  • Eva Hilhorst (Graphic Journalist and Chief Editor at Drawing the Times)
  • Selby Gildemacher (Artist and Co-Founder of Hackers & Designers)
  • Erik Kessels (Creative Director at KesselsKramer)
  • Yara van der Velden (Image Editor at De Correspondent)
  • Stijn Postema (Journalist, Artist and Researcher at Mediastudies | University of Amsterdam)

Interested in participating in this event? The entrance fee for this workshop is 7.50 euros including a drink. The program is offered in both English and Dutch. Reservations can be made here. Be quick because the number of participants is limited. There are 50 places available.

Breaking News is an initiative by ACED and Pakhuis de Zwijger i.c.w. NRC Handelsblad, Drawing the Times, De Correspondent, University of Amsterdam, KesselsKramer and Hackers & Designers. Breaking News is coordinated by Patty Jansen.