From Hackers & Designers
Revision as of 15:37, 27 June 2024 by Juliette (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Woensdag 17 juli: Mapping Typology bij AtelierNL x MU== In deze workshop verken je het kampeerterrein door de bodem te onderzoeken!  Ga mee op expeditie, waarbij Atelier NL de verwondering van het alledaagse en de lokale rijkdom zichtbaar maakt en de geheimen van camping Het Wilde Weg openbaart.    Wie beter naar zijn omgeving kijkt ontdekt een verborgen wereld van onverwachte patronen en bijzondere verhalen. Door in te zoomen en je te concentreren op specifieke...")
Location Het Wilde Weg
Date 2024/07/17—2024/07/24
Time [[]]
PeopleOrganisations Hackers & Designers, MU
Type HDSC2024
Web Yes
Print No

H&d publicposter dutch.jpg

Hackers & Designers strijkt 15-25 juli neer bij het Wilde Weg voor een 10-daags zomerkamp met 30 medebewoners. Onder het thema Alledaagse Piraterij gaan we samen leren, maken en leven. Het kamp is een experiment in het beoefenen van (sociale, ecologische, economische en culturele) duurzaamheid waarin we de grenzen tussen werk, spel, vrije tijd, onderhoud en zorg bevragen.

Op de dinsdagochtenden en in het weekend openen we het terrein voor bezoekers met een workshopaanbod voor alle leeftijden.  Het intergenerationele publieksprogramma (voor leeftijden van 6 tot 106 jaar) is dit jaar een samenwerking met MU Hybrid Art House.

Open Ochtend workshops

Ben jij tussen 6 en 12 jaar oud? Trek je favoriete volwassene aan hun mouw en kom naar één van onze ochtend workshops op camping het Wilde Weg op woensdag 17, donderdag 18, dinsdag 23 en woensdag 24 juli. De workshops beginnen om 10.00 en eindigen rond 12.30u. Het terrein is open vanaf 9.30u.  De workshops worden in Nederlands en Engels gegeven, afhankelijk van behoeftes van de aanwezige deelnemers. 

Woensdag 17 juli: Mapping Typology bij AtelierNL x MU

In deze workshop verken je het kampeerterrein door de bodem te onderzoeken!  Ga mee op expeditie, waarbij Atelier NL de verwondering van het alledaagse en de lokale rijkdom zichtbaar maakt en de geheimen van camping Het Wilde Weg openbaart.    Wie beter naar zijn omgeving kijkt ontdekt een verborgen wereld van onverwachte patronen en bijzondere verhalen. Door in te zoomen en je te concentreren op specifieke kwaliteiten en elementen die je in elke omgeving kan vinden, zul je het alledaagse gaan zien en de rijke complexiteit die er in een gebied verborgen is. Educatoren van MU zullen je begeleiden met het in kaart brengen van je vondsten, archiveren en rangschikken. Iedereen verzamelt en organiseert materialen op een unieke manier. Wat zegt dat over hoe jij de wereld bekijkt en wat jij interessant vindt? Elke verzameling onthult net zoveel over de verzamelaar als over het gebied.    Deze workshop is ontwikkeld door AtelierNL in samenwerking met MU. 

Thursday 18 July: Workshop and exhibition visit MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven

(departure from the camp at or meet us at MU, details will be provided) Note: you can travel with us from campsite het Wilde Weg, or meet us at MU!    Join us on an excursion to MU in Eindhoven where we will visit double exhibition Hulda, Lilli & the Roach by Maija Tammi and Transmission by Touki Delphine. MU educator Lieke will host a special workshop and conversation for us to think and talk about the projects we'll see there.  

Tuesday 23 July: Creative Coded Game

Can you fit an entire escape room into a box? Well MU can! Best warm up your brain because this will be a challenge. Can you crack the codes and discover the hidden patterns? Set the clock....go! Before the timer runs out you have to unlock 5 games and open the box. By solving the games you will learn what computer code is and how it works. You will also learn how artists use computer code in surprising, creative ways. It is the perfect introduction to the other materials from MU's Creative Code, and mostly really fun!    More info: https://decreatievecode.nl/platform/93/creatieve-coded-game 

Wednesday 24 July: Her-story of technology

Technology a boy's thing? No way! Not only boys can be computer nerds and hackers. In this workshop you learn all about the women who worked on great technological inventions in history. Claire L. Evans will tell you all about the "her-story" of tech. After this workshop you are no longer just a "user", you will know how to help build a safer, inclusive world of technology.    More info: https://decreatievecode.nl/platform/75/her-story-1---invisible-women

On Saturday 20 july and Sunday 21 july the camp is open for all to join, and you can pop by for a whole day of fun workshops. See more info under "open weekend program". On Saturday you can even bring a tent and stay the night!


  • [link to sign up email]
  • price? free :)
  • Please note: these mornings follow an intergenerational format where participants of different ages exchanges ideas. Kids are expected to join together with an adult caretaker. 

Open Weekend Program

Bring your own tent and your kin, and spend the weekend with us during the Open Weekend Program: Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 July! Expect workshops, talks, readings, food, music, daily rituals, a swim... 

Saturday 20 July

For ages 6 to 106:

10.00-17.00h walk-in workshop Miniature Worldbuilding with Jasper Bloem x MU

Designer, maker & speculative storyteller Jasper Bloem will join the camp to introduce all the campers to his world of miniature making. What will the future look like? What will people need or wish for? Hack your eyes by building a small world yourself in this all-day walk-in workshop.    Since his graduation 2023 Jasper Bloem has encouraged young people from all kinds of backgrounds to start speculating about possible futures themselves. Using discarded technological materials, participants are encouraged to experiment with form and function in new ways.    For grown-ups: 10.00-13.00 Criptastic Hack meeting with H&D 14.00-17.00 Hydra Synth Coding Jam with Alice 10.00-17.00 Subjective Mapping workshop with Muj

Sunday 21 July

For ages 6 to 106:

9.00~11.00h - Overnight campers can join Livia's puppet making workshop and show!

MU Creatieve Code Workshop Day, with:

  • 11.00~13.00 Creatures and worlds – 3D Animation workshop

Pixar films and games like Fortnite seem almost magical. But did you know that you can  create your own digital creatures and worlds with MU? During this drop-in workshop you will learn creatures to life using digital 3D animation. POST NEON is the creative design studio from Amsterdam that created this workshop with MU. Their installation, Generation XYZ, has been featured at various festivals and schools. With their project POST SCHOOL, they aim to introduce as many young people as possible to 3D design and animation.

  • 14.00~17.00 Computer portraits workshop 

This workshop is about portraits, computers, and facial recognition. Many artists work with these concepts. We share all sorts of information about ourselves on the Internet (data). How can we make an image of a person using their data? What would your data-portrait look like? Join us to create your own analogue Computer POR[TRAIT]. In the second part of the workshop, we will find out how (well?) the computer can recognize faces. Computers see faces in a different way than us humans do. Can you trick a smart computer by making faces out of clay?

  • and more!

Have you done enough workshopping? Relax and watch a video of the Manic Accuracy project by Simone N. Niquille or make Pixel Selfies with iron-on beads.

For grown-ups:


  • [link to sign up email]
  • Price: sliding scale 15, 20, 30 per day. you will be sent a payment link after registration
  • Diner & snacks are included, bring your own lunch and drinks
  • Arrival possible on Friday afternoon/evening, departure latest Monday morning. 
  • The program is suitable for children. 

About the Location=

Het Wilde Weg is located at: Hulst 20, 5492 SB Sint-Oedenrode, Netherlands

If you come by public transport here are some options:

  • NS train to Eindhoven OR NS train to Tilburg (about 1h on bike to location)
  • from Eindhoven or Tilburg > NS train to Boxtel (11min by car or 25min by bike to location)
  • BUS 203 from Boxtel station to Liempde Raadhuisplein (if you don't have a bike). Walk 30min to location
  • We will organise a pick up for people that can't or prefer not to walk or bike from Boxtel station or Liempde Raadhuisplein bus stop. Let us know in advance if possible. 

About MU Hybrid Art House & De Creatieve Code

MU Hybrid Art House is all about art in the broadest sense of the word. Together with mainly young makers and a broad, international audience, MU defines the liminal space between ‘what art is and what art can be’. MU is located in a former Philips factory at Strijp S in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

With Play&Learn, MU intends to offer audiences of all ages a playful introduction to art and visual culture and the latest creative technologies artists are using today. Development of the program starts often in the exhibition space.  By discussing the artworks (Socratic conversation, Visual Thinking Strategies) with all kinds of age groups, the MU team learns how artworks land with the public. How they are perceived and what works work particularly well for the different age groups.    Together with the artists and makers MU uses these insights to further develop these artworks into workshops, mobile installations or other activities. In this way the ideas and concepts travel outside the walls of the artspace to engage a wider variety of audiences with the perspectives of MU-makers. The developments in the realm of Art & Technology are likely to find their way to De Creatieve Code, a platform with workshops and educational materials for teachers of preliminary and high school education..   During the Summercamp the activities during the public days will offer participants a glimpse of the activities that MU offers and might provide an insight into the modus operandi wherein conversations in the exhibition, close encounters with makers and actively 

See also:  https://mu.nl https://decreatievecode.nl (in Dutch only)

Unruly Currents & Everyday Piracy

This year's theme invites to reflect on and actively reject predominant principles of our contemporary socio-technical reality such as "ownership", "property", "newness" and "innovation."  

Together we will explore what it means not to do new things and not to make new stuff and instead explore what is already there through methods of repair, reuse, regeneration, maintenance, continuation, invitation and documentation.  

As an inspiration we will take the social and political attitude of 'piracy'. We would like to explore the inter-generational imaginaries around piracy – as a verb – a practice that can be situated in p2p solidarity networks, autonomous squats, anti-capitalist climate care protests, autonomous tech cooperatives or  spontaneous illegal raves. Defiant as punks, resilient and inventive as hacktivists and tricksters, everyday piracy will orient us in navigating against the tide of the mainstream and subvert dominant digital and political paradigms. 

The leading questions will be: How can we imagine piracy as a opportunistic and simultaneously generous practice, that prompts us to activate and nurture a culture of co-ownership, co-authorship, mutual respect and accountability? How can doing so help us restore and increase the energetic potential of the communities (human and non-human) and environments we are connected to?  

H&D proposes to engage in processes of reclaiming, reusing, redistributing, copying, studying and changing, thus learning from and with technical objects, all the while reflecting on their origins. 

"Acting is not that different from thinking, because one has to situate the action. The meaning of action is relative to your position, and if your position is as a number, a percentage looking vaguely for a job, a pawn in the great funereal game of the totalitarian marketplace, it’s in your interest to act like a pirate. From this arises an everyday piracy, one which can be easily shared. We’d have to make a list of microgestures capable of interrupting the signal, of creating a local disruption of the network, of piercing the dominant ideology so that it spills out through its foundations. What happens next, we’ll see. We’ll invent it collectively."

— Nous Sommes Partout, "Everyday Piracy" https://www.noussommespartout.org/en/everyday-piracy/

This year’s camp graphic design is made by HDSC2023 alumni Michael Fowler!

The typeface in use is Les Ouvrières by Laure Azizi.

This program is made possible with the kind support of Stimuleringsfonds.