RIBL dinner
RIBL dinner | |
Name | RIBL dinner |
Location | De Bonte Zwaan |
Date | 2018/07/25 |
Time | 19:00-21:00 |
PeopleOrganisations | Meike Hardt |
Type | HDSA2018 |
Web | Yes |
No |
The Research Institute for Botanical Linguistics was founded at HSDA in 2017. We question knowledge production and truthmaking that is “all too human”[1]
We are inviting you to a plant-centered dinner. Together we will look into ways of making the non-human as contributors to knowledge production. What does it take to shift the human perspective to plants? What language and tools are needed to connect with botanicals? While eating plants we will discuss, make sketches, prototypes that enable us to shift the perspective and tune in to the world of botanicals.