The HDSA Bot Family
This article exemplifies some of the chat bots created during the Code, text and text-to-speech workshop with Constant Association for Art and Media
The Beuysbot created by Selby is not only dedicated to Joseph Beuys famous quote: "Every human being is an artist" but is linked to a database that live counts human beings on this planet who die and who are born. Accodingly the bot reports "xy Menschen sind Künstler" or "xy Menschen waren Künstler"
Eurico made a mouth animation, which could react to the text appearing in the chatroom.
Fembot addresses her chatmates as female. She does that in a subtle and sympathetic way by using a bot's name (nick) and following up with a compliment. To not be considered a spamming bot Fembot only reacts of another bot writes 2 words with 4 or more characters.
This is the script that creates Fembot:
Run this script as bot with following command: cat bot | python -u --server botnet.local --channel "#botnet" --nickname fembot | python -u > bot make sure you have the fifo-file bot (command to create: mkfifo bot) + in the same folder
import sys
infinite loop that takes the last message of the chat
while True: words_of_4 = [] message = sys.stdin.readline() if message == : break
take out blank line
message = message.rstrip()
print message
transformation of the message
split the message in a list of words, break on spaces between words
words = message.split(" ")
print words
find the nickname in the message and strip of the colon
nick = words[1] #print nick nick = nick.rstrip(":")
print nick
loop that checks each word in the list, words with 4 characters are saved in separate list
for word in words: if len(word) == 4: words_of_4.append(word)
check length of new list, if more than 2 -> send message
if len(words_of_4) >= 2: sentence = "interesting " + nick + " is a very wise woman." print sentence
Check all bot scripts here: