Creatieve Code Workshop

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Creatieve Code Workshop/nl
Name Creatieve Code Workshop
Location Het Wilde Weg
Date 2024/07/21
Time 11:00—17:00
PeopleOrganisations de Creative Code, MU
Type HDSC2024
Web Yes
Print No
Other languages:

MU Animation Portrait.png

MU's online platform de Creative Code is een plek waar je educatief materiaal, workshops en kunstinstallaties kunt vinden die MU de afgelopen jaren heeft ontwikkeld. MU en andere makers en organisaties delen hier allerlei activiteiten om zelf te ontdekken. Tijdens de workshop dag kun je een paar van MU's leukste workshops uitproberen onder leiding van Ayke Walther, of lekker zelf aan de slag gaan activiteiten die je op eigen houtje kunt doen.

Meer info:

3D Animation Workshop (POST NEON x MU, Post Schooling)  11.00~13.00

Pixar films and games like Fortnite seem almost magical. But did you know that you can  create your own digital creatures and worlds with MU? During this drop-in workshop you will learn creatures to life using digital 3D animation. POST NEON is the creative design studio from Amsterdam that created this workshop with MU. Their installation, Generation XYZ, has been featured at various festivals and schools. With their project POST SCHOOL, they aim to introduce as many young people as possible to 3D design and animation.

Computer Portraits Workshop 14.00~17.00

This workshop is about portraits, computers, and facial recognition. Many artists work with these concepts. We share all sorts of information about ourselves on the Internet (data). How can we make an image of a person using their data? What would your data-portrait look like? Join us to create your own analogue Computer POR[TRAIT]. In the second part of the workshop, we will find out how (well?) the computer can recognize faces. Computers see faces in a different way than us humans do. Can you trick a smart computer by making faces out of clay?

And more!

Have you done enough workshopping? Relax and watch a video of the Manic Accuracy project by Simone N. Niquille or make Pixel Selfies with iron-on beads.