Translations:Sounds from Earth @ Bottle Factory/4/en

From Hackers & Designers

The workshop will be developed over different iterations, during which participants join in co-creating new collective imaginaries and narratives around alternative, regenerative formats and devices for networked communication and interfacing eco-conscious with our environments. The workshops will be open to participants with different technological abilities and of various ages, from teenagers to elders and everything in between.

In this workshops we will bring tools, skills, and pedagogies together to explore our relation to the environment through non-verbal communication with other-than-human entities. Inspired by natural networks of communication such as mycelium, we ask ourselves how we can enter into meaningful, reciprocal dialogue with the world around us and achieve a deeper sense of interconnectedness.

What information do we collect around us, what is legible, and what do we understand, interpret, and project meaning onto? What is lost in translation? Can we get comfortable with the miscommunications and the unknown?