Culinary hacking

From Hackers & Designers
Revision as of 14:54, 21 October 2015 by Hd-onions (talk | contribs)


Dear friends, you are kindly invited to join us for a christmas drink/soup/data-tasting at De Punt.

Dear friends, you are kindly invited to join us for a christmas drink/soup/data-tasting at De Punt.

Evening program: Together with Center for Genomic Gastronomy the 2nd year graphic design students of Willem de Kooning Academy will turn De Punt into a food lab! At the end of their 2–day workshop, hosted by De Punt they will present their 10 course menu first to a beta-tasting jury and then to De Punt and friends. One of each course can be purchased at an open auction starting at 19:00. The outcome of the bidding will go into a small publication containing their 2–day research and food laboratory "Cooking with Constraints – Leaks, Databases & Policies".

For those unsuccessful bidders De Punt will serve, soup, Glühwein, beer… an who knows what else...

Yours sincerely, De Punt