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From Hackers & Designers
Revision as of 15:37, 22 November 2015 by Hd-onions (talk | contribs)

Hackers & Designers bag

H&D Bag

Red print on bio cotton bag. Stink bug ASCII Art by Anja & James, silk screenign by Karoline Swiezynski

The You Museum, Jeremy Bailey: collected ads from the internet

Jeremy Bailey, The You Museum: collected ads from the internet Jeremy Bailey, The You Museum: collected ads from the internet Jeremy Bailey, The You Museum: collected ads from the internet Jeremy Bailey, The You Museum: collected ads from the internet Jeremy Bailey, The You Museum: collected ads from the internet

Theremin Sensor

Theremin Sensor

These sensors were used to make theremins during the HDSA 2015 DIY theremin making workshop by Andrey Smirnov. These small chips are sensitive digital or analogue sensors and useful for numerous applications including motion tracking, gestural interfacing, monitoring of small variations of electrical capacitances related to any sorts of conductive materials and media, including metal objects, foil, liquids, water, human body, plants, metal threads, thin plastic films with metallisation, all sorts of Christmas stuff etc.

The analog and digital USB sensors can be used for testing, experimenting and all appropriate software libraries.

More info here: asmir.theremin.ru/theremin-sensors.htm

Conversations by Constant Association for Art and Media


Conversations is an extensive collection of dialogues between developers and designers involved in the wider ecosystem of Libre Graphics.

Conversations documents discussions about tools and practices for typography, layout and image processing that stretch out over a period of more than eight years. The book is published by Constant, a Brussels based association for arts and media, and produced collaboratively with the help of etherpash, a custom Libre Graphics workflow developed by Christoph Haag.

Arduino/Genuino UNO

Arduino/Genuino UNO is the best board to get started with electronics and coding. If this is your first experience with Arduino, the UNO is the most robust board you can start playing with. The UNO is the most used and documented board of the whole Arduino family. More info here: arduino.cc

Arduino Uno