Sounds from Earth @ Sandberg Design Department
Sounds from Earth @ Sandberg Design Department/nl | |
Name | Sounds from Earth @ Sandberg Design Department |
Location | Sandberg Instituut |
Date | 2024/11/27-2024/11/28 |
Time | 10:00—18:00 |
PeopleOrganisations | Hackers & Designers, dianaband, Hee-Ju Lim |
Type | [[]] |
Web | Yes |
No |
Na 2 heerlijke weken in Korea om de eerste iteraties van de workshop te ontwikkelen en faciliteren, komt Sounds from Earth naar Amsterdam! We geven een 2-daagse versie van onze workshop Sounds from Earth, een internationale samenwerking tussen Hackers & Designers, Diana Band en Heeju Lim met de studenten van de afdeling Design van Sandberg Insituut.
Alleen studenten van de afdeling Sandberg Design kunnen deelnemen aan de workshop
Een kortere workshop en een avond vol klankverkenning bij occii vinden op 7 december plaats en zijn toegankelijk voor iedereen
Sounds from Earth is een serie workshops over het bouwen van een wereld, een live rollenspel en het werken met eenvoudige elektronica. We nodigen deelnemers uit om samen een fictief verhaal te creëren en een netwerk van kleine elektronische objecten te bouwen. Dit netwerk maakt (her)verbinding en communicatie met onze omgeving mogelijk. Het klinkende netwerk verkent communicatie voorbij het gebruik van woorden, waardoor we “natuur” niet kunnen benaderen als iets dat we moeten overheersen en waar we ons aan moeten onttrekken, maar als iets waar we deel van uitmaken en mee leven en waar we opnieuw op moeten leren afstemmen.
Sounds from Earth is a collaborative artistic exploration between the Netherlands and South-Korea, Hackers & Designers, dianaband and Hee-ju, that aims to create a space to critically and imaginatively address the ecological impact of user technologies: from the construction of large-scale data centers that damage or even erase local habitats, to the fiber optic cables that impact the marine environment through heat, turbidity (during cable burial), risk of fatal entanglement of sea life and the introduction of artificial substrates into the ecosystem. Interventions into the deep-sea environment as well as terrestrial mining used to source materials such as lithium or cobalt for chips and other components inside our communication devices and network infrastructures are exhausting the earth and are the cause of geopolitical tensions and asymmetrical distribution of wealth and power.
The workshop is developed over different iterations, during which participants join in co-creating new collective imaginaries and narratives around alternative, regenerative formats and devices for networked communication and eco-conscious interfacing with our environments. The workshops are open to participants with different technological abilities and of various ages, from teenagers to elders and everything in between.
In this workshops we will bring tools, skills, and pedagogies together to explore our relation to the environment through non-verbal communication with other-than-human entities. Inspired by natural networks of communication such as mycelium, we ask ourselves how we can enter into meaningful, reciprocal dialogue with the world around us and achieve a deeper sense of interconnectedness.
What information do we collect around us, what is legible, and what do we understand, interpret, and project meaning onto? What is lost in translation? Can we get comfortable with the miscommunications and the unknown?
Together we are a forest!
it doesn't matter what shape we have in this forest or what sounds we make, we are all interconnected into a chaotic polyphony. We each have our own personality but make sense as a whole. The wind is a vital force in our ecosystem and accompanies us through our cycles. Its unpredictable nature maintains our community, it's bringing us the energy we need in mysterious ways.
An echo in the wind brought us a rumor: the wind could become still, which would threaten our unique ecosystem's equilibrium... and sooner than we can imagine... we know that, because we attune to the wind and to each other in our own unique way . We do so with the help of symbiotic companions that help us channeling messages of the wind and carry our worries and hopes for the wind to consider.
The wind doesn't understand words, only maybe intentions through sounds, vibrations and blows, that is how we send and interpret messages.
Our companions are made of extracted minerals and oils transformed into components that we found discarded from others in our ecosystem...
When the wind blows with a certain strength and in a certain direction, we come together to send our wishes to the wind.....
Workshop Details
In this workshop we will work with ESP32 modules, motors, pure data and our imagination :)
Sounds from Earth is supported by The Cultural Participation Fund.
The Cultural Participation Fund aims to encourage and increase participation in the arts and culture.