워크숍 (Sounds from Earth) @PaTI

From Hackers & Designers
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Sounds from Earth (워크숍) @PaTi/ko
Name Sounds from Earth
Location PaTI, Big House Hwa Baekdang
Date 2024/09/13
Time 10:00-16:00
Type [[]]
Web No
Print No
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The text writes displayed in the poster from top to bottom and left to right, mixing English & Korean reads: "Hackers & Designers with 다이아나바트 일이 2024.09.13 (금) PaTl 큰집 화복당 Sound from Earth 위크르! 10:00 - 16:00 PaTI. 편집 화백당과 야외 공간 Hackers & Designers 누구세요 분크 14:00 - 16:00 PaTI 본집 화백당" These words, written in yellow, are surrounded by sporadic hand drawn yellow icons of scissors, a screwdriver, a laptop with a broken screen, a charging cable and an internet tab with a cable coming out, all displayed against a background made up of a blurred picture of a tree.
This poster was produced by Seoyeon, student from PaTI
Amsterdam-based hackers and designers are coming to PaTI (Paju Typography Institute)!

암스테르담을 중심으로 활동 중인 해커스 앤 디자이너스가 PaTI를 찾습니다!

인간이 아닌 다른 존재와의 비언어적 소통을 통해 환경과의 관계를 탐구하고 퍼포먼스를 공유하는 ‘워크숍’과 해커스 앤 디자이너스의 활동과 출판물을 소개하는 ‘토크’를 진행합니다. 즐거운 놀이이자 작업의 기회가 되길 바랍니다. 이번 워크숍은 PaTI와 해커스 앤 디자이너스, 다이애나밴드, 임희주님과 협력하여 기획되었습니다🌈

***워크숍 PaTI 재학생만 신청이 가능합니다. 외부 인원은 토크 로 참여해주세요

링크: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexd7S3v3_AHzZmGMY0io17YTkuDAPHDxReqU3isxNRNGYrNw/viewform


10:00 - 13:00 Workshop

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 - 15:00 Talk

15:00 - 16:00 Workshop presentation

🚦Sound From Earth Workshop!

Sounds From Earth is based on artistic research into ecofeminism, witchcraft, sci-fi, animism, and faith through live action role-playing (LARP), a role-playing game in which participants physically embody characters in space. Creating virtual narratives together, sharing knowledge and skills in a more accessible way through play, combining tools, techniques, and teaching methods in a variety of local contexts to explore relationships with the environment through nonverbal communication with non-human beings.

What changes will happen to a person when they devote time to imaging and realizing not human perspectives and perceptions? Will these experiences change the way you see the world? What sympathy will this evoke?

🎪 시간: 10:00 - 13:00

🎪 장소 : PaTI 큰집 화백당과 주변 야외

🎪 진행 언어 : 영어 한국어 혼용

🎪Participants: +/- 10

📐Sound from Earth Worldbuilding

📐Ambient sound network and electronic devices

📐Roleplay individual characters and object making

🚦Hackers & Designers Talk & Presentation

Publishing sideways: creating a community of experimental publishers and open source toolmakers

Hackers & Designers is an Amsterdam-based collective of professionals from different disciplines and backgrounds - art, technology, design, education, etc. - who research and practice the intersections of these fields. The aim of the collective is to re-imagine and challenge invasive and extractivist platforms, the homogenising cultures and market monopolies that tools invoke with a critical eye, and to foster exchange within a broad international network.

Hackers & Designers creates and proposes workshops, talks, performances, games and events, and experiments. Since 2015, we have organised an annual summer school (H&D Summer Camp) where we propose workshops and other activities and invite people to participate. We propose adventures that work towards a flattened hierarchy, where the boundaries between teacher and learner are erased and there is shared responsibility.

Hackers & Designers is inspired by intersectional trans*feminist thinking and practice. It aims to foster collaboration across differences such as age, gender, race, ability, skills, and interests, and to imagine together a techno-social and eco-conscious future. https://hackersanddesigners.nl

📐 About Hackers & Designers

📐 About Hackers & Designers activities and publications

📐 Q&A

🎪Time: 14:00 - 16:00 (Talk will be followed by a workshop performance)

🎪Location: PaTI Big House Hwa Baekdang

🎪Language: English (rough Korean transcript of talk is available)

🎪Participants: Around 20 people