Criptastic Hack Meeting: Riding / Snorkeling / Surfing and Burrowing into Time Undercurrents

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Criptastic Hack Meeting: Riding / Snorkeling / Surfing and Burrowing into Time Undercurrents
Name Criptastic Hack Meeting: Riding / Snorkeling / Surfing and Burrowing into Time Undercurrents
Location H&D Studio
Date 2024/06/22
Time 11:00-16:00
PeopleOrganisations MELT
Type Meetup
Web Yes
Print No

H&D (Pernilla Manjula Philip, Anja Groten, Karl Moubarak, Heerko van der Kooij) and MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Iz Paehr) warmly invite you to join us for a criptastic hack meeting – a hands-on workshop that brings together MELT's imaginative and speculative design approach to dreaming up Anti-Ableist technologies with H&D's hands-on hacking approach to imagining more regenerative and equitable techno-futures.

Ocean 2.gif

Inspired by a lineage of crip[1] technoscience, the approach to the session is equally practical as imaginative-fictional, resists tech-solutionism, and aims to generate continued energies around making and practicing Anti-Ableist technologies [0].

We invite participants to ride the unruly/unexpected/fantastic undercurrents of crip time[2] with us and create other collective imaginaries for interfacing with crip time that counter the universalist assumption that all bodies and minds experience time and space similarly. Compulsory techno-capitalist paradimns of time-efficiency, consistent and seamless labor performance and presumed abled-bodyness pattern time structures that are inaccessible for many people. Ren Britton writes: "My bodymind is expected to move quickly, to keep up with turbo capitalist computational clock time that counts to the millisecond."[3]

With this workshop we use a hacking approach to actively counter the notion of universal time and turn toward practices that tune into crip time. ((maybe could be a link, a project by Karl, Ren, Iz?)) Crip time shows that there are other ways of being in time: slow, in attunement with pain or symptoms, with JOMO (joy of missing out), in resistance towards capitalisms temporal demands.

We will imagine and build clocks that work against gregorian clock time and instead propose 'crip time', a way of considering the body as something that is constantly changing, that may go through and stay in states of illness, exhaustion and disability. Such clocks attune to different individual and collective temporalities.

The workshop caters to tech savvy people as well as folks new to coding. There will be some hacking with the (e-paper) watchy watches and some analog prototyping for those who prefer.

  • Spoken language will be English. There are Dutch speakers present and are happy to help translate if necessary.
  • (Vegan) lunch, tea, coffee and snacks will be provided.
  • For online participants: Automated captions will be activated in the Zoom Conference.
  • Access Info Physical Space:

Preliminary outline:

10:30 Set up online + H&D studio is open for IRL folx 11:00 Welcome, small introductions (names, pronouns, access needs) 11:15 Entering other-than-gregorian clock-time > 5 min break 11:30 Familiarizing with new temporalities Groups/singular people break out according to their preferences for objects/materials/temporality start working 12:00-13:00 Communal lunch 13:00 Prototyping 14.30 Documentation 15.00 Regroup: Clock-demos 15.30 Check out 16.00 End

RSVP: There are limited spaces available. Please write an email to and let us know whether you are planning to join us online or in person. For IRL participants please let us know if you have any dietry restrictions or other access needs. Further information here: