H&D Activities
H&D pursues its goals by developing annual activity programs consisting of interconnected hands-on workshops, public lectures, performances, game and hack events, meet-ups, experiments in publishing, and the annual H&D Summer Camp – a 10–14 day immersive workshop program. H&D organizes activities from the idea of a flattened hierarchy. Tutors and mentors become participants, participants become workshop leaders – everyone is taken on the collective venture of shared responsibility – bringing into conversation their own expertise, urgencies and experiences. Along with organizing participant-empowering hands-on workshop H&D builds and maintains free and open source tools, self-hosts technical infrastructures and produces on - and offline publications. Inspired by intersectional trans*feminist thought and practice H&D stimulates collaboration across differences (age, gender, race, ability, skills, interests, species, materials) and aims to imagine and work together toward desirable techno-social and eco-conscious futures.