
From Hackers & Designers
Revision as of 19:17, 26 June 2023 by Juliette (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Event |Name=Un-archiving |Location=Het Wilde Weg |Date=2023/07/18 |Time=14:00-18:00 |PeopleOrganisations=Maddalena Ghiotto |Type=HDSC2023 |Web=Yes |Print=No }} thumb Un-archiving is a child of the struggle for memory and the preservation of the present through reiteration and accumulation. Humans have a tendency to be serial accumulators of frames of the present: from greek ancient vases -a reiteration of painted objects of the same...")
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Name Un-archiving
Location Het Wilde Weg
Date 2023/07/18
Time 14:00-18:00
PeopleOrganisations Maddalena Ghiotto
Type HDSC2023
Web Yes
Print No
15 un archiving.jpg

Un-archiving is a child of the struggle for memory and the preservation of the present through reiteration and accumulation.

Humans have a tendency to be serial accumulators of frames of the present: from greek ancient vases -a reiteration of painted objects of the same format that, precisely for its serial nature, was delivered into the future-, to our mobile phone galleries - filled with thousands of not-so-great pictures we take and soon forget ever existed. I can't count the amount of times I have lost my phone, in a way or another, and with it all the data and the pictures I had inside. But there was always some survivor: that one folder I had moved to the pc, that one picture I had sent to my friend, those selected one I uploaded on instagram. <3 In this workshop, archives are seen as an attempt to organize, police and incarcerate the poetic chaos of accumulation and collectivization through which humans attempt at reproducing themselves across time. Our goal will be to try to create an un-archive, where we will put all the video material we want where the content, instead of being catalogued and pre-interpreted with metadata, is accessible randomly on a more poetic/serendipitous basis and users can freely describe and edit the content, creating more content by playing with the videos.

  • Participants: 15/20 max
  • Requirements: there will be a repository to download some pre written code and specifications on libraries and dependencies to install here: https://github.com/MaddaGh/Un-archiving


Hello, I'm Maddalena and I am currently attending the MA course in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge at Bologna University. Before that I studied literature and cinema.

I'm currently navigating in the intersections between Moving Image, Cultural Heritage, Semantic Web technologies and other digital wonders, all by trying to adopt a queer transfeminist perspective. I'm looking forward to hear your insights and suggestion about this workshop as it is in its developement process and I am also aiming at learning new tools and experiment more, in an horizontal way, rather than "delivering a lecture"! I hope it can be a fun time for everyone and an opportunity to collectively think about collective memory and what it means for us.