Summer Academy production 2018
Summer Academy Production 2018
- Duration: March 1th - August 10th (25 weeks)
- Production / project owner: Anja & Isabel
- Deliverables (subject to change and suggestions)
During the run-up to Summer Academy 2018, Isabel will work on production related activities for this event–in close collaboration with Anja & Juliette (communication). Based on a schedule of 4 hours per week, her main responsibilities (among others) will be:
- Correspondence with the location (DEK WEST) regarding production
- Making inventory of material/equipment/electronics etc necessary
- Gather and order material/equipment
- Arrange caterer for lunch and welcome dinner HDSA 2018
- Possibly arrange a cleaner (maybe arranged via Dek West?)
- Prepare and support HDSA Open Call with Anja and Juliette (gather/sort addresses, send out mailings and packages etc.)
- Sort out funding additional possibilities with AFK and Fonds21 and co-write application (in collaboration with Selby, Heerko & Anja) for the Self-driving Canta
- Discuss technical details with location DEK WEST: April 19th/April 20th
- Gather addresses for Open Call: before April 15th
- Prepare Open Call mailing & packages: March 26th - April 18th
- Send out Open Call: April 16th
- Ultimate deadline application AFK: April 14th
The amount of hours spent on this project may vary from week to week (either less or more than 4 hrs). Isabel will monitor her hours to make sure whether or not she exceeds the estimated total.
Total hours: 25 x 4 = 100
Total fee: 100 x €40,00 = €4.000,00 (excl. BTW)