Come 2018, we start once again the Hackers & Designers' Stammtisch (ex.), with a few new spirits:
- each Stammtisch will have someone sharing some of their recent insights / current obsession / meandering thought streams / poetics of life / — ie, anything that is not part of finalized, professional, clean projects (past present or future). Rather, we aim for the sharing of fascinations still in an undefined state or weird space that want to be let out.
- the person sharing their ideas and feelings will host the evening space-wise: this could be your home, commune, secret basement hang out, studio - ie, no particular requirements other than a place to gather.
- anyone is welcome and we would like to keep it intimate, as... after the first part in which the host shares, there will be a feedback moment from the rest of the group, followed by drinks and hang out.
- we want to keep this thing weird. It's not a meetup networking thing nor a book club. It hopes to be a time and moment to connect with ideas and feelings and objects.
- more time to dispel unproductive production of capital!
- more time to dispel productive non-production of capital!