Hack night: Baby, you can drive my car

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Hack night: Baby, you can drive my car
Name Hack night: Baby, you can drive my car?
Location Frascati 3
Date 2017/03/01
Time 20:00-23:00
PeopleOrganisations Hackers & Designers, Waag Society, Frascati 15:15
Type Meetup
Web Yes
Print No

self driving cartett

Turning a toy car into a self-driving vehicle

Technology, as a vastly influential force in our daily lives, shapes our interactions with public spaces and each other; with policy making; and contributes to our exclusion of parts of society. Developers and designers play a key role in shaping our cohabitation. Things like the OV chip card, caregiver robots, DigiD, the self-driving car, and code determines our behaviour and the way we interact with each other. Are developments like these unstoppable? Uncontrollable? Let’s find out!

Baby can you drive my car is a series of events organised by Waag Society and Hackers & Designers, where the topic of self-driving car was used as a starting point to explore and reflect on the ever changing role of technology in our civic society. Participants were invited to investigate what's behind the self-driving car; to get acquainted with sensors; and to discuss themes surrounding this topic with ethicists, technologists, artists, and policy makers.

Using technical and societal developments in and around the self-driving car, we engaged in a number of collective thought experiments challenging and critically reflecting on the relationship and dependencies between technological innovation and societal developments. How are the technologies we rely on constructed? What dilemmas do we encounter during the development of a self-driving vehicle? How much control should we cede to technology? What types of moral frameworks should we agree upon? These questions were used to get acquainted with the problems, arising with the development of self-driving vehicles, and to discuss alternatives to given solutions

  1. 1 Workshop - Self-driving Toy Car – Hack Night – 1st of March – Frascati 3 – 20:00/23:00

During this hands-on workshop, Anja, Heerko, James, and Selby (of Hackers & Designers) taught the workshop participants how to hack a remote controlled car to make it follow a line of its own.

Manual, used for this workshop: Self-driving Toycar

  1. 2 Talkshow - Baby, can you drive my car? – 20th of May – Frascati 1

Waag Society