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h English (en) | Node-specific information: * We will be hosting the H&D Summer Academy in person in different locations across Amsterdam, with one main base for the workshop days. * We expect committed participation and attendence during the week from 10-17.00 CEST. * There will be also a public program that takes place in the evenings on 3 days during the week. * Participation is free of charge and donations are welcome. * Additional material costs, daily lunches are self-organized by participants. * The spaces that will host us will be wheelchair accessible. Please let us know in the form if you have any access needs that we should take into consideration. |
h Korean (ko) | 노드의 상세 정보 * 본 노드는 H&D 여름학교를 암스테르담 전역의 여러 장소에서 대면으로 주최할 예정이며, 워크숍은 진행기간 동안 주 장소 한 곳에서 열립니다. * 워크숍 참여는 주중 CEST(Central European Summer Time) 기준 10시부터 17시 사이에 이루어집니다. 한국 시간(KST) 기준 17시부터 24시 사이에 진행됩니다. * 하지만 주중 3일간, 저녁에 진행되는 프로그램도 있습니다. * 참여 비용은 무료이고, 기부는 환영입니다. * 추가적인 재료비와 점심 식비는 참여자가 직접 부담합니다. * 워크숍이 열리는 공간은 휠체어 접근이 가능하며, 이외 고려해야 할 접근성에 관련한 요구사항이 있으시다면 작성 폼을 통해 알려주세요. |
h Dutch (nl) | Node-specifieke informatie: * We organiseren de H&D Zomeracademie fysiek op verschillende locaties in Amsterdam, met één centrale plek voor de workshopdagen. * We verwachten een toegewijde deelname en aanwezigheid gedurende de week van 10-17.00 CEST. * Er is ook een openbaar programma dat 's avonds plaatsvindt op 3 dagen in de week. * Deelname is gratis en donaties zijn welkom. * Extra materiaalkosten, dagelijkse lunches worden door de deelnemers zelf georganiseerd. * De ruimtes waar we verblijven zijn rolstoeltoegankelijk. Laat het ons via het formulier weten als je toegangsbehoeften hebt waarmee we rekening moeten houden. |