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 h English (en)"Acting is not that different from thinking, because one has to situate the action. The meaning of action is relative to your position, and if your position is as a number, a percentage looking vaguely for a job, a pawn in the great funereal game of the totalitarian marketplace, it’s in your interest to act like a pirate. From this arises an everyday piracy, one which can be easily shared. We’d have to make a list of microgestures capable of interrupting the signal, of creating a local disruption of the network, of piercing the dominant ideology so that it spills out through its foundations. What happens next, we’ll see. We’ll invent it collectively."
 h Dutch (nl)Deze quote van Nous Sommes Partout heeft ons geïnspireerd: 
"Acting is not that different from thinking, because one has to situate the action. The meaning of action is relative to your position, and if your position is as a number, a percentage looking vaguely for a job, a pawn in the great funereal game of the totalitarian marketplace, it’s in your interest to act like a pirate. From this arises an everyday piracy, one which can be easily shared. We’d have to make a list of microgestures capable of interrupting the signal, of creating a local disruption of the network, of piercing the dominant ideology so that it spills out through its foundations. What happens next, we’ll see. We’ll invent it collectively."