A gentle introduction to Wikidata
A gentle introduction to Wikidata | |
Name | A gentle introduction to Wikidata |
Location | De Bonte Zwaan |
Date | 2018/07/26 |
Time | 10:00-17:00 |
PeopleOrganisations | Hay Kranen |
Type | HDSA2018 |
Web | Yes |
No |
Wikidata is the free structured knowledge database with almost 50 million structured data items that anyone can edit. A sister project to Wikipedia, it’s part of a global movement to freely share the sum of all knowledge. In this workshop we discovered how Wikidata transforms facts into structured data, and how it deals with multiple interpretations of truth in a world that feels post-fact at times.
- VizQuery: https://tools.wmflabs.org/hay/vizquery
- Wikidata Query: https://query.wikidata.org/
- Find a property: https://tools.wmflabs.org/hay/propbrowse/
- Find a tool: https://tools.wmflabs.org/hay/directory/
- Make lists of things from Wikipedia: https://petscan.wmflabs.org/
- General help documentation: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Contents
Preparation for participants
Participants needed to bring their own laptop (tablets or smartphones won’t work for this workshop!), have an up-to-date browser. Preferably Chrome or Firefox and make a Wikidata account before the workshop.