Odd Talks
Odd Talks | |
Name | Odd Talks |
Location | Coehoorn Centraal, Arnhem |
Date | 2017/04/23 |
Time | 20:00-22:00 |
PeopleOrganisations | Hackers & Designers, Oddstream, Kunstlab |
Type | Meetup |
Web | Yes |
No |
H&D is invited to present the result of **Odd Stay**, the artist in residency organized by **Oddstream Art& Technology**. The theme of the lecture night is The New Enlightment Age and engages to audience to discuss the position of citizens in today's world of technology. During their residency James Bryan Graves & Selby Gildemacher (Hackers & Designers) have developed a prototype for a new work in collaboration with Kunstlab Arnhem. Following the metaphor of a crowdsource religion, visitors of the the work are invited to react to a chatbot and contribute to their input to the bigger installation.