A list of terms frequently used during the summer academy
- Botnet -
- Character - a single letter, usually single quoted 'a', 'b', 'c'
- Cyberfeminism -
- Integer/int - Number, contains no decimal points, it CAN be negative.
- IRC - Internet Relay Chat: text based chat system
- figlet word -> visualizing a word in the Terminal
- Free Software -
- GNU -
- Linux -
- Open Source Software -
- pipeline
- Putti: windows version of terminal –
- Raspberry Pi -
- ssh access to a server -
- split
- String - collection/group of charaters, usually double quoted "This is a string", "abcdefg"
- strip
- Terminal commands:
/home/your_name ls /home -> gives a list of every folder in /hma every folder in -> /home to move around -> cd pwd -> terminal command man bash (manual)
- TTY -
More notes here: Github