A list of terms frequently used during the summer academy
- Botnet: A program that runs in a chat room
- Character - a single letter, usually single quoted 'a', 'b', 'c'
- Colloquy
- Creative Commons
- Cyberfeminism -
- Integer/int - Number, contains no decimal points, it CAN be negative.
- IRC - Internet Relay Chat: text based chat system
- figlet word -> visualizing a word in the Terminal
- Free Art License
- Free Software -
- GNU -
- Linux -
- Local network -
- Open Source Software -
- pipeline
- Public Domain Day
- Putti: windows version of terminal –
- Raspberry Pi -
- ssh access to a server -
- split
- String: collection/group of characters, usually double quoted "This is a string", "abcdefg"
- strip
- Terminal commands:
/home/your_name ls /home -> gives a list of every folder in /hma every folder in -> /home to move around -> cd pwd -> terminal command man bash (manual)
- TTY -
- Ubuntu: A Linux operating system and distribution, with Unity as its default desktop environment for personal computers including smartphones in later versions. Ubuntu also runs network servers. It is based on free software and named after the Southern African philosophy of ubuntu (literally, "human-ness"), which often is translated as "humanity towards others" or "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". A default installation of Ubuntu contains a wide range of software that includes LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Transmission
More notes here: Github