Lens travels treasure trails: Difference between revisions

From Hackers & Designers
(Created page with "{{Event |Name=Lens travels, treasure trails |Location=Het Wilde Weg |Date=2024/07/17-2024/07/22 |Time=14:00-17:00 |PeopleOrganisations=Maddalena Ghiotto |Type=HDSC2024 |Web=Yes |Print=No }} 300px The workshop will consider the practice of amateur documentation of everyday life and its affordances, through the collaborative documentation of the summer camp. Starting from an old mini dv cam recorder and a hands-on playful exploration of the ob...")
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Latest revision as of 18:01, 27 June 2024

Lens travels treasure trails
Name Lens travels, treasure trails
Location Het Wilde Weg
Date 2024/07/17-2024/07/22
Time 14:00-17:00
PeopleOrganisations Maddalena Ghiotto
Type HDSC2024
Web Yes
Print No

7 LensTravels.png

The workshop will consider the practice of amateur documentation of everyday life and its affordances, through the collaborative documentation of the summer camp. Starting from an old mini dv cam recorder and a hands-on playful exploration of the object that is used for documenting, then through the act of documenting -hence adopting a perspective, framing the present, doing memory in practice-, finally through the ritual of communal rewatching of our filmed home movies, we will explore and embody together questions related to midful documentation, record keepink, authorship and so on

  • duration: during the whole camp
  • number of participant: I don't want to put a limit, but the way the documentation will be organised depends a lot on the number of participants and wether they have their own recorders or they will need to use mine. So to be able to organize this in the best way together we will need to know in advance how many we are and how many cameras we can use
  • materials / tools: Bring your own (old?) recording object (functioning or not) if you have it.

Maddalena Ghiotto: moss lover, digital humanist, front row headbanger, family archivist/documentarist, programmer