Sounds from Earth @ Bottle Factory

From Hackers & Designers
Revision as of 11:12, 6 September 2024 by Slvi.e (talk | contribs)
Sounds from Earth @ Bottle Factory
Name Sounds from Earth
Location Bottle Factory, Seoul
Date 2024/09/18
Time 10:00-12:00 & 15:00-17:00
Type Workshop
Web No
Print No

Sounds from Earth is a collaborative artistic exploration between the Netherlands and South-Korea, Hackers & Designers, dianaband and Hee-ju, about the ecological impact of user technologies: from the construction of large-scale data centers that damage or even erase local habitats, to the fiber optic cables that impact the marine environment through heat, turbidity (during cable burial), risk of fatal entanglement of sea life and the introduction of artificial substrates into the ecosystem. These interventions into the deep-sea environment as well as terrestrial mining used to source materials such as lithium or cobalt for chips and other components inside our communication devices and network infrastructures are exhausting the earth and are the cause of geopolitical tensions and asymmetrical distribution of wealth and power.
This workshop is the first iteration of two inter-generational workshops about world-building, live-action role-play, and small electronics. We invite participants to co-create a fictional narrative, we will facilitate the imagining and building of a network of small electronic objects that can (re)connect us to our surroundings, beyond measures and words, approaching “nature” not as something to dominate and extract from but as something we are part of and live with.
The workshop is open to participants with different technological abilities and of various ages, teenagers, elders and everything in between.
In this workshops we will bring tools, skills, and pedagogies together to explore our relation to the environment through non-verbal communication with other-than-human entities. Inspired by natural networks of communication such as mycelium, we ask ourselves how we can enter into meaningful, reciprocal dialogue with the world around us and achieve a deeper sense of interconnectedness.
What information do we collect around us, what is legible, and what do we understand, interpret, and project meaning onto? What is lost in translation? Can we get comfortable with the miscommunications and the unknown?


  • 10:00 PM - 12:00 PM & 15:00-17:00
  • Venue: Bottle Factory (연희동 708번지 1층 전체 서대문구 서울특별시 KR)
  • Workshop participation fee: ?
  • Language: mix of English and Korean
  • What to bring: