The Book Society – Publishing Sideways – Talk and Workshop

From Hackers & Designers
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The Book Society – Publishing Sideways – Talk and Workshop
Name Create Event: Book Society: 'Publishing Sideways' Talk and Workshop
Location The Book Society
Date 2024/09/07
Time 13:00-17:30
Type [[]]
Web No
Print No
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Publishing sideways: Building a community of experimental publishers and open source tool makers


  • 1:00pm-2:00pm
  • Venue: The Book Society (B1 25 Jahamunro 19gil Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 03035)
  • Talk participation fee: 10,000 won
  • Language: English (+ live written translation in an etherpad)

Meet H&D at The Book Society. As part of our international guesting in Seoul, H&D will be giving a talk followed by a ChattyPub Workshop.

The talk will be about the coming-into-being of the H&D collective, self-organization and publishing experiments. More specifically we will talk about ways of designing publications collectively, how self-hosted DIY publishing infrastructures and awkward work-arounds shape and bind together collectives of tool-makers and experimental publishers. More specifically, it will explore and discuss the intersections of self-organisation, self-hosting, (of technical infrastructure) and self-publishing (of small edition experimental books and websites) drawing from first-hand experience of working collectively as a designers and hackers.


  • 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Venue: The Book Society (B1 25 Jahamunro 19gil Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 03035)
  • Workshop participation fee: 30,000 won
  • Language: English and Korean mixed
  • What to bring: Personal laptop with web browser
  • How to apply: Link in profile
  • 79799314302 Kakao Bank Lee Du-ho, complete application after depositing participation fee!


What is ChattyPub?

ChattyPub is a design tool that leverages an open source chat interface (Zulip) to apply styles and formats to the content of a publication. The tool is activated and further developed through collective workshops. This tool caters to co-designing processes of publications, specifically when several people are designing at the same time. With a series of workshops H&D opened up the process of making this tool, and explored together with fellow workshoppers its possibilities and limitations, and built a community around it.

The ChattyPub workshop, at Book Society will explore in a hands-on manner a decentralized process of creating a publication, including interferences, contradictions, and inconsistencies. Repurposing a chat interface as the main design tool, different emoji reactions allow you to style the texts and images. But someone else can change their appearance again later! The outcome could be a zine or posters or a webpage.

ChattyPub accommodates different skills, group sizes, and interests.

What to expect

  • Collaboratively writing, designing, and printing publications using ChattyPub
  • Learning about designing publications with CSS & Emojis


The event is part of a international collaboration between H&D, dianaband (Wonjung Shin 신원정 and Dooho Yi 이두호) and Hee-ju who are developing the project 'Sounds from Earth' an intergenerational workshop series about world-building, live-action role-play, small electronics as well as public presentation moments in Seoul and Amsterdam.

This international collaboration is made possible through the generous support of Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie Logo fcp.jpg