ESP32 Mac troubleshooting: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "A collection of links related to troubleshooting ESP32 development on MacOS. == Bypassing gatekeeper on Mac OS == * [ Mac OSX Silabs driver] You need to work around a safety measure called Gatekeeper which is a little different per OS operating system. Follow instructions below for your OS or google “disable gatekeeper on mac [insert your version here, e.g. monterey]” [")
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Revision as of 14:58, 26 October 2022

A collection of links related to troubleshooting ESP32 development on MacOS.

Bypassing gatekeeper on Mac OS

You need to work around a safety measure called Gatekeeper which is a little different per OS operating system. Follow instructions below for your OS or google “disable gatekeeper on mac [insert your version here, e.g. monterey]” More info here

Mojave (10.14.x)

sudo spctl --master-disable

High Sierra (10.13.x)

The allow button in the settings menu might not work, then to disable checking altogether:

  1. Shut down your Mac
  2. Start again while holding mac+ R during boot to enter recovery mode
  3. Open a terminal window
  4. type the following command and press enter
  1. spctl kext-consent disable
  2. Reboot
  3. Try install driver again

Sierra (10.12.x)

El capitan (10.11.x)

Yosemite (10.10.x)

After starting the Arduino IDE, make sure it can communicate with the ESP32 module

  • If communication is possible, you can select /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART (for other than Mac OSX, this name might be different) as shown in the picture below.
    screenshot of Arduino window with menu Tools-Port-SLAB_USBtoUART selected
    screenshot of Arduino window with menu Tools-Port-SLAB_USBtoUART selected
  • If communication is not possible, SLAB_USBtoUART will not show up (for other than Mac OSX, this name might be different.)
    Arduino Esp32 communication failed
    Arduino Esp32 communication failed